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Parses form data from HTTP requests to model data via the overloadable toModelValue proc.


proc parseFormData[T: Model](ctx: Context; model: typedesc[T];
                             skipIdField: static bool = false): T
Parses form data from an HTTP request body in ctx into a model instance of the specified model type. Allows skipping setting the id field when the formData can not contain an id, e.g. when a model gets created. Source   Edit  
func toModelValue(formValue: string; T: typedesc[bool]): T:type
Converts an HTML form value in string format to a boolean Source   Edit  
proc toModelValue(formValue: string; T: typedesc[DateTime]): T:type
Converts an HTML form value in string format to a DateTime instance Source   Edit  
func toModelValue(formValue: string; T: typedesc[SomeFloat]): T:type
Converts an HTML form value in string format to a float Source   Edit  
func toModelValue(formValue: string; T: typedesc[SomeInteger]): T:type
Converts an HTML form value in string format to an integer Source   Edit  
func toModelValue(formValue: string; T: typedesc[string]): T:type
Converts an HTML form value in string format to a string This essentially does nothing and exists just to handle strings. Source   Edit  
func toModelValue[T: enum](formValue: string; O: typedesc[T]): T
Converts an HTML form value in string format to an int value or a distinct int type Source   Edit  
func toModelValue[T](formValue: string; O: typedesc[Option[T]]): O:type
Converts an HTML form value in string format to an an optional value. Empty strings get counted as non-existant values. Source   Edit