Provides any and all controller procs for any HTTP request of type GET.
proc createAboutApplicationFrontendController(urlPrefix: static string): HandlerAsync
- Generates a prologue controller proc for GET HTTP requests. The controller provides the CONFIG page for general application information such as settings and urls. Requires the urlPrefix used for all admin-endpoints for generating links to other pages. Source Edit
proc createConfirmDeleteController[T: Model](modelType: typedesc[T]; urlPrefix: static string): HandlerAsync
- Generates a prologue controller proc for GET HTTP requests. The controller provides a DELETE page for deleting an entry of modelType. Requires the urlPrefix used for all admin-endpoints for generating links to other pages. Source Edit
proc createCreateFormController[T: Model](modelType: typedesc[T]; urlPrefix: static string): HandlerAsync
- Generates a prologue controller proc for GET HTTP requests. The controller provides a CREATE page for creating an entry of modelType. Requires the urlPrefix used for all admin-endpoints for generating links to other pages. Source Edit
proc createDetailController[T: Model](modelType: typedesc[T]; urlPrefix: static string): HandlerAsync
- Generates a prologue controller proc for GET HTTP requests. The controller provides a DETAIL page, displaying and updating a specific entry of modelType. Requires the urlPrefix used for all admin-endpoints for generating links to other pages. Source Edit
proc createListController[T: Model](modelType: typedesc[T]; urlPrefix: static string; sortFields: seq[string]; sortDirection: SortDirection): HandlerAsync
- Generates a prologue controller proc for GET HTTP requests. The controller provides a LIST page for displaying a list of all entries of modelType. Requires the urlPrefix used for all admin-endpoints for generating links to other pages. Sorts the list of entries according to the provided fields in the provided direction. Source Edit
proc createOverviewController(registeredModels: seq[ModelMetaData]; urlPrefix: static string): HandlerAsync
- Generates a prologue controller proc for GET HTTP requests. The controller provides the OVERVIEW page for displaying an overview over all models in registeredModels. Requires the urlPrefix used for all admin-endpoints for generating links to other pages. Source Edit
proc createSqlController(urlPrefix: static string): HandlerAsync
- Generates a prologue controller proc for GET HTTP requests. The controller provides the SQL page for direct SQL access to the database including the result of a provided query. Requires the urlPrefix used for all admin-endpoints for generating links to other pages. Source Edit
proc createSqlFrontendController(urlPrefix: static string): HandlerAsync
- Generates a prologue controller proc for GET HTTP requests. The controller provides the SQL for direct SQL access to the database. Requires the urlPrefix used for all admin-endpoints for generating links to other pages. Source Edit
func stringifyRoutingTree(router: Router): Table[string, seq[string]] {. ...raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
- Generates string representation of all routes of all http methods Source Edit
dbValue, IntOption, toFormField, extractFields, toFormField, to, toFormField, FormFieldKind, toFormField, toFormField, toForeignKeyField, add, StringOption, FormField, $, toFormField, toFormField, FilePath, subdir, add, toForeignKeyField, toFormField, toFormField, toFormField, dbType, toFormField, toFormField