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A collection of procs related to analysing Model-types at compile time or extracting Metadata from them. Mostly necessary because you can't story a list of types or the like anywhere. This all data needed later must be extracted immediately when the Model is provided.


ModelMetaData = object
  name*: string
  table*: string
  url*: string
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proc checkForModelFields[T: Model](modelType: typedesc[T]) {.compileTime.}
Compiletime check if a given modelType contains any nested model fields. These can not be allowed, as this would mean supporting the creation of multiple model-entries in a database from one POST request, which is currently out of scope for this package. Source   Edit  
proc extractMetaData[T: Model](urlPrefix: static string; modelType: typedesc[T]): ModelMetaData {.
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proc getForeignKeyFields[T: Model](modelType: typedesc[T]): seq[string] {.
Extracts the names of all foreign key fields from a model. Source   Edit  
proc validateModel[T: Model](model: typedesc[T]) {.compileTime.}
Compiletime check if the given model fulfills all requirements for being used with this package. Source   Edit