First example

Note: Throughout this code example it may be helpful to also have the glossary page open. It defines various terms used throughout the book (e.g. Message-Wrapper-Type).

If you want to first look at the code in its entirety, take a look at the full example at the bottom of the page.

The Example

Our example is a main thread that runs a "client" that reads from the terminal. It either sends a message to a "server" or shuts down the program based on what the terminal input is.

So we have 2 threads, each running a single threadServer:

  1. A client threadServer listening to user input in the terminal and messages from the backend server
  2. A backend threadServer listening for messages from the client and sending responses

But before we can define them, we first need to know the messages we're about to send around.

Message Types

type Response = distinct string
type Request = distinct string

This defines a message type for messages we want to send from the client to the server (Request) and one for sending back messages from the server to the client (Response)

Basically, before anything, we need to define the types of the messages that we want to send around. This is essential, as we later connect those message types to the threadServers and use them in our handler procs.

The Client

With the message types defined, we now can define our client threadServer:

import std/[sugar, options, strformat, os]
import threadButler

    proc handleResponseOnClient(msg: Response, hub: ChannelHub) =
      echo "On Client: ", msg.string

This defines a threadServer with the threadname "client". That name is important, because based on it threadButler will generate a lot of code and derive variable- and typenames from it. For an overview over all the things it generates, see the docs

We see here that "client" has 2 sections:

  1. messageTypes
  2. handlers


The messageTypes section defines one or more types of messages that "client" can receive (here only Response).

Types in the messageType block must be unique. That means that a type can only be registered for one threadServer.

This is why we defined Response and Request as distinct strings earlier. Even if they're both just strings, you can not register the type string for both "client" and "server" (which we will define later).

This also gives threadButler important information: ThreadButler now knows that Response is only registered for and can only be received by "client". So when we later want to send a message of the Response type, threadButler knows that it is intended for "client".


The handlers section defines how to handle a message of a specific message type that "client" may receive.

It is a bunch of procs that must cover all types defined in messageTypes. ThreadButler will tell you at compile-time if you forgot to define a handler for one of the types or added a handler whose type is not mentioned in messageTypes.

These procs must have this signature:

proc <procName>(msg: <YourMsgType>, hub: ChannelHub)

Where <procName> can be whatever you want and <YourMsgType> is one of the types in messageTypes.

This also is our first encounter with ChannelHub. We will see it quite often, as sending a message is only possible through ChannelHub, which is an object shared and used by all threadServers.

The Server

With our client defined, lets define our server which shall receive Request messages and in turn send back Response messages.

    startUp = @[initEvent(() => echo "Server startin up!")]
    shutDown = @[initEvent(() => echo "Server shutting down!")]
    proc handleRequestOnServer(msg: Request, hub: ChannelHub) = 
      echo "On Server: ", msg.string
      discard hub.sendMessage(Response("Handled: " & msg.string))

We see the familiar "messageTypes" which defines that "server" can receive Request messages. There's also the expected "handler" with handleRequestOnServer telling us what happens when a Request message is received.

However, properties is new!

The properties section is where you can define special properties that influence a threadServer's behaviour unrelated to messages and their handling. The properties we set here are startUp and shutDown, which define events that get executed before/after the server has run.

In this case we're just writing some text to the terminal before and after the server runs. Other useful applications for them are:

  • Initializing/closing resources required by this threadServer
  • Initializing Loggers for the server

There are more properties that you can define. For more details see the "threadServer" page.

Finishing touches

With our servers defined, we can now bring it all together.


let hub = new(ChannelHub)

withServer(hub, "server"):
  while keepRunning():
    echo "\nType in a message to send to the Backend!"
    let terminalInput = readLine(stdin)
    case terminalInput
    of "kill", "q", "quit":
      let msg = terminalInput.Request
      discard hub.sendMessage(msg)
    let response: Option[ClientMessage] = hub.readMsg(ClientMessage)
    if response.isSome():
      routeMessage(response.get(), hub)


That's quite a lot at once, let's look at the sections individually.


The first thing that stands out is prepareServers.

That is a special macro from threadButler that generates some of the code that it can only generate once all threadServers were defined.

For an overview over all the things it generates, look at the docs.


This instantiates the one instance of ChannelHub that will be used everywhere.


"server" is then started at the beginning of withServer and automatically shut down once the scope of withServer ends.

Inside of the scope of withServer we can then define the "event-loop" code that should run on the main-thread which has executed the code so far.

ThreadButler has a global switch that can be used to shut all remaining servers off. We're using that switch by using keepRunning(), which will return false if shutdownAllServers() is ever called. Every thread spawned by thredButler with its default event-loop uses that switch.

We then stop the loop to listen for user-input and do not continue until user-input was provided.

If the user types in "kill", "q" or "quit" this will break the main-event-loop, we reach the end of withServer, "server" shuts down and the program ends.

If the user types in anything else, our main-event-loop (aka "client") will send a Request message to "server" with the terminal input. It will then sleep for 100ms (to give "server" plenty of time to reply) and check for messages send to "client" on the ChannelHub.

Note how we do this using ClientMessage. This is a type generated by threadServer that can contain any of the messages sent to "client". The name of this type is inferred from the name we provided earlier, "client". For more details see the "Docs for generated code" page.

If we have a message, we then handle it using the also generated routeMessage convenience proc. It will unpack ClientMessage to Response and route it to handleResponseOnClient, which then handles the message as we defined earlier.

Full example

import std/[sugar, options, strformat, os]
import threadButler

const CLIENT_THREAD = "client"
const SERVER_THREAD = "server"
type Response = distinct string
type Request = distinct string

    proc handleResponseOnClient(msg: Response, hub: ChannelHub) =
      echo "On Client: ", msg.string

    startUp = @[initEvent(() => echo "Server startin up!")]
    shutDown = @[initEvent(() => echo "Server shutting down!")]
    proc handleRequestOnServer(msg: Request, hub: ChannelHub) = 
      echo "On Server: ", msg.string
      discard hub.sendMessage(Response("Handled: " & msg.string))


# === Bringing it all together === #
when defined(butlerDocs): ## Needed so that compiling the docs does not run the server

let hub = new(ChannelHub)
  while keepRunning():
    echo "\nType in a message to send to the Backend!"
    # This is blocking, so this while-loop stalls here until the user hits enter. 
    # Thus the entire loop only runs once whenever the user hits enter. 
    # Thus it can only receive one message per enter press.
    let terminalInput = readLine(stdin)
    case terminalInput
    of "kill", "q", "quit":
      let msg = terminalInput.Request
      discard hub.sendMessage(msg)
    ## Guarantees that the server has responded before we listen for user input again. 
    ## This is solely for neater logging when running the example.
    let response: Option[ClientMessage] = hub.readMsg(ClientMessage)
    if response.isSome():
      routeMessage(response.get(), hub)

NOT 2024-02-05 10:40:47.045+00:00 Added Channel                              tid=8704 typ=ClientMessage keyInt=94626450623712 channelInt=140258652917824
NOT 2024-02-05 10:40:47.045+00:00 Added Channel                              tid=8704 typ=ServerMessage keyInt=94626450624096 channelInt=140258652930112
DBG 2024-02-05 10:40:47.045+00:00 send: Thread => Channel                    tid=8704 msgTyp=ServerMessage msg=KillServerKind
NOT 2024-02-05 10:40:47.045+00:00 Destroying Channelhub                      tid=8704
NOT 2024-02-05 10:40:47.045+00:00 Destroyed Channel                          tid=8704 typ=ClientMessage channelInt=140258652917824
DBG 2024-02-05 10:40:47.046+00:00 read: Thread <= Channel                    tid=8704 msgTyp=ServerMessage msg=KillServerKind
NOT 2024-02-05 10:40:47.046+00:00 Destroyed Channel                          tid=8704 typ=ServerMessage channelInt=140258652930112