
This page provides examples for the various frameworks that threadButler provides special integration utilities for.


Integration with owlkettle works by threadButler essentially not providing an event-loop. Instead it hooks into owlkettle's GTK event-loop to listen for and react to messages.

The following "Special rules" need to be kept in mind when running ThreadButler with owlkettle:

  • Add a field to App for the Server instance for the owlkettle thread.
  • Create a listener startup event and add it to the brew call
  • Use owlThreadServer instead of threadServer, but only for your owlkettle thread
    Note: owlThreadServer requires handlers to have a different proc signature. See the reference docs for more details.
  • Use prepareOwlServers instead of prepareServers

In order to make data from messages available within owlkettle, add more fields to AppState. You can then assign values from your messages to those fields and use them in your view method.

Owlkettle - Custom Event Loop

Demonstrates how to put owlkettle's GTK event-loop into its own threadServer, essentially turning this into a 3 threads setup with a main-thread, a thread for owlkettle and a thread for the server.

Listens for user-input from the terminal and sends it to the owlkettle thread.