Snorlogue Actions

Sometimes you may want to perform action before or after you perform an update, insert or delete action on the database. Snorlogue supports this by accepting ActionProc procedures and executing them as specified in the docs for addCrudRoutes.

Say for example, that you have a model with a file field and want to change the filepath that is stored by default:

import norm/[sqlite, model]
import std/[strformat, options]
import snorlogue
import prologue

# Define the type
type Image* = ref object of Model
  imageFile*: FilePath

proc `$`*(entry: Image): string = fmt"Image #{}"

# Create the table
  var image = Image()

# Setup the server
let action: ActionProc[Image] = proc(connection: DbConn, entry: Image) =
  echo fmt"New Image File under path {entry.imageFile}"

var app: Prologue = newApp()
app.addCrudRoutes(Image, beforeCreateAction = action, beforeUpdateAction = action)

This will fire up a server with CRUD routes for an Image filetype. Every time before an Image entry is created or updated, it will echo the filepath under which the image will be stored.