Default Supported Datatypes

Out of the box, Snorlogue has support for the majority of "normal" data-types in nim. For every datatype, the following 2 steps need to be defined:

  1. How to map norm model-fields to FormField instances via toFormField procs.
  2. How to map form-field values (which are always strings) to norm model-field types via toModelValue procs

FormFields define the type of HTML form-fields that are available in Snorlogue to represent a nim-type of a model-field in an HTML form. These are the fields Snorlogue provides:

FormFieldKind HTML field nim-types FormField-fields
STRING Text input string kind, name, strVal
INT Number input int, int32, int64, uint, uint32, uint64, Natural kind, name, iVal
FLOAT Number input float, float32, float64 kind, name, fVal
BOOL Checkbox input bool kind, name, bVal
DATE Datetime-local input DateTime kind, name, dtVal
FILE File input FilePath kind, name, fileVal
INTSELECT Select foreignKey* kind, name, intSeqVal, intOptions
STRSELECT Select -** kind, name, strSeqVal, strOptions

*type int64 annotated with norm's fk pragma. The Model in the pragma must also be registered to Snorlogue
**exists for users that want select fields with string values

Custom Datatypes

To extend that list with your own datatypes, just define toFormField and toModelValue procs for them! This takes care of only the frontend though, you will still need to define dbType, dbValue and to procs for norm.

For example if we had a distinct string type of UID and wanted to support this in snorlogue:

import prologue
import snorlogue
import norm/[sqlite, model]
import std/[options, sequtils, algorithm, strformat, sugar]

# Type Definitions
type Level = 0..9
type UID = distinct string
type CreatureType = enum
  A, B, C

type Creature* = ref object of Model
  uid*: UID
  name*: string
  level*: Level
  kind*: CreatureType

func `$`*(model: Creature): string =

# Converts a `string` value to `UID`
func toModelValue*(formValue: string, T: typedesc[UID]): T = formValue.UID

# Maps `UID` to the `String` `FormField` and any value such a field might have is to be converted to `string` as well.
func toFormField*(value: Option[UID], fieldName: string): FormField =
  let compatibilityValue: Option[string] = => val.string)
  result = FormField(
    kind: FormFieldKind.STRING,
    name: fieldName,
    strVal: compatibilityValue

## Procs for norm DB interaction
func dbType*(T: typedesc[UID]): string = "TEXT"
func dbValue*(val: UID): DbValue = dbValue(val.string)
proc to*(dbVal: DbValue, T: typedesc[UID]): T = dbVal.s.UID
# CreatureType
func dbType*(T: typedesc[CreatureType]): string = "TEXT"
func dbValue*(val: CreatureType): DbValue = dbValue($val)
proc to*(dbVal: DbValue, T: typedesc[CreatureType]): T = parseEnum[CreatureType](dbVal.s)
# Level
func dbType*(T: typedesc[Level]): string = "INT"
func dbValue*(val: Level): DbValue = dbValue(
proc to*(dbVal: DbValue, T: typedesc[Level]): T = dbVal.i.Level

## Procs for Snorlogue Form interaction
# Maps `CreatureType` to the `IntSelect` `FormField` and any value such a field might have is to be converted to an int on the form.
func toFormField*(value: Option[CreatureType], fieldName: string): FormField =
  var options: seq[IntOption] = @[]
  for enumValue in CreatureType:
    options.add(IntOption(name: $enumValue, value:

  let formFieldValue: Option[int64] = => val.int64)
    name: fieldName, 
    kind: FormFieldKind.INTSELECT, 
    intSeqVal: formFieldValue,
    intOptions: options

# Maps `Level` to the `IntSelect` `FormField` and any value such a field might have is to be converted to an int on the form.
func toFormField*(value: Option[Level], fieldName: string): FormField =
  var options: seq[IntOption] = @[]
  const rangeName = $Level
  for rangeVal in Level.low..Level.high:
    let optionLabel = fmt"{rangeName} {rangeVal}"
    let optionValue =
    options.add(IntOption(name: optionLabel, value: optionValue))

  let formFieldValue: Option[int64] = => val.int64)

  options.sort((opt1, opt2: IntOption) => cmp(,
    name: fieldName,
    kind: FormFieldKind.INTSELECT,
    intSeqVal: formFieldValue,
    intOptions: options

# Example Usage
putEnv("DB_HOST", ":memory:")
  var human = Creature(name: "Karl", level: 5, uid: "12345abcde".UID)

# Setup the server
var app: Prologue = newApp()

Note that no toModelValue had to be defined for CreatureType or Level. Enums and range are somwhat special in that they do have default toModelValue procs defined for them, but can not have a default toFormField proc. It is heavily discouraged to try and supply a generic toFormField for either of those types, as the nim compiler appears to not act consistently when those procs are defined, leading to various runtime bugs.