How Snorlogue uses models

Snorlogue uses norm models as a representation of your database in nim types. By knowing the model type, it can generate code to interact with the database, figure out which HTML input fields would best represent the individual model fields, how to parse an HTML-Form into a model type etc.

To register a model, just use the addCrudRoute proc provided by Snorlogue. Once you registered your models, call addAdminRoutes to add the pages providing an overview over the registered models and an SQL route.

Lets set up an Sqlite database with a simple norm model called Creature:

import norm/[sqlite, model]
import std/options

# Define the type
type Creature* = ref object of Model
  name*: string
  description*: Option[string]

proc `$`*(entry: Creature): string =

putEnv("DB_HOST", ":memory:") # For norm to find the database, see:

# Create the table.
  var creature1 = Creature(name: "Bat", description: some "Flies in the dark")

The Creature model has 3 fields in total: name, description and id, which is inherited from Model.

Note how we also provide a $ proc to tell snorlogue how to represent an instance of Creature as a string! This is mandatory, as Snorlogue does not provide a default way to represent a model as a string, but needs this functionality to generate all the HTML.

Now you can add them to a prologue server:

import prologue
import snorlogue
# Setup the server
var app: Prologue = newApp()
app.addAdminRoutes() ## Can't compile a running HTTP server into docs ;-)

And you're done! Your Prologue application now has access to the following GET routes:

/admin/creature/list/<Page index>/

And the following POST route (which handles all form requests):


Click around and try them out!